
The title of this image pays tribute to the famous novel "The Sun Also Rises," but its message is distinct. The photograph aims to underscore humanity's insignificance compared to the universe. The Great Wall has existed for centuries, but its builders have long since passed away. Yet, even its lifespan is fleeting compared to that of the universe. Millennia later, the great wall may not be there anymore, but the milky way also rises. (投IAPY时候重修的产物,文案写的很烂就懒得翻译回来了哈哈哈)

  • 拍摄地点: 北京市密云区古北口镇古北口村(近101国道古北口隧道) 蟠龙山长城
  • 镜头/望远镜: 适马 17-50mm F2.8
  • 相机: 佳能 EOS M5
  • 赤道仪: 艾顿 SkyTracker Pro
  • 拍摄张数: 5
  • 曝光时长: 120s

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