NGC3372 - The Great Carina Nebula

The Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) is a vast expanse of gas and dust, hosting multiple massive stars, some 50 to 100 times the mass of our Sun. This emission nebula's intense star radiation ionizes gas, causing it to emit a luminous glow. Its gas is widely spread, creating a diffuse nebula. Carina is a dynamic region, witnessing star birth and death. As new stars form and emit ultraviolet radiation, their winds disperse surrounding material, sometimes yielding dark shrouds, other times exposing clear pockets, illuminating the stars. It's a celestial showcase of ongoing creation and transformation in the night sky. In this version, I utilized bxt to correct star artifacts and drew color inspiration from other works. I transformed the originally slightly cyan-tinted nebula into a magenta hue.

  • 拍摄地点: 智利CoquimboLimarí 【趣拍星】昴星团智利天文台
  • 相机: ASI 6200 mm Pro
  • 曝光时长: 18h
  • 其它: 使用趣拍星智利远程台拍摄(Data obtained from Interestar Remote Observatory)
  • 解析图
  • 天球定位图

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